Kanye West Supplements Coachella Performance With Sunday Service Merch Trace William Cowen Mon Apr 22 The early morning Easter performance was celebrated with a range of garments emblazoned with phrases like "Sunday Service at the Mountains." coachella dfp-fashion dfp-fashion-other dfp-music dfp-music-hiphop dfp-music-other easter kanye-west money news religion sundays tier-one yandhi Continue reading
Virgil Abloh’s 'Jaw Dropped' When He Heard Kanye West's New Album Trace William Cowen Thu Jan 24 Virgil Abloh says he's heard Kanye's new album. While he didn't comment on the lyrical content, the production is said to be... dfp-fashion dfp-fashion-other dfp-music dfp-music-hiphop dfp-music-other kanye kanye-west new-music news tier-one virgil-abloh yandhi Continue reading