Thief Who Robbed Museums of $1.4 Billion Worth of Art Says He Didn't Do It for the Money Trace William Cowen Tue Mar 05 Stéphane Breitwieser's fascinating story of decades of unhindered art theft is detailed in a new piece from 'GQ' writer Michael Finkel. art dfp-fashion dfp-fashion-other gq money museums news thief tier-one wtf Continue reading
Kanye West's Forged Signature Reportedly at Center of $900,000 NYFW Fraud Trace William Cowen Fri Feb 08 The money was allegedly scored by way of a forged Kanye signature and the promise of a NYFW performance at a Philipp... dfp-fashion dfp-fashion-other dfp-music dfp-music-hiphop dfp-music-other good-music kanye kanye-west news nyfw tier-one wtf Continue reading
Chris Brown Is Selling Merch That Insults Woman Who Accused Him of Rape Trace William Cowen Fri Jan 25 Chris Brown was released without charges earlier this week after a woman accused him of rape. Per reports, he's now planning to... chris-brown controversy dfp-fashion dfp-fashion-other dfp-music dfp-music-hiphop dfp-music-other dfp-politics dfp-politics-social mona-lisa news paris t-shirts tier-one wtf Continue reading
Heidi Klum Apologized to Drake for Ignoring Texts Trace William Cowen Thu Jan 03 No one should ever apologize for sh*t like this, but I digress. dfp-entertainment dfp-entertainment-tv dfp-fashion dfp-fashion-other dfp-music dfp-music-hiphop dfp-music-other dfp-technology dfp-technology-other drake ellen-degeneres heidi-klum news notification smartphones texting tier-one videos wtf Continue reading
An Inside Look at Barcelona's Fake Supreme Store Trace William Cowen Tue Sep 25 Fake Supreme? Of course. We got an inside look at the "Supreme Spain" store in Barcelona via @CroatianStyle. barcelona counterfeits croatians-style dfp-fashion dfp-fashion-other international news spain supreme tier-one videos wtf Continue reading