Take a Look into the Future with the C2H4 X Mastermind Japan “TX-074” Collection Sam Cole Mon Apr 01 C2H4 continues their impressive demonstration of their conceptual artistic flair with the upcoming C2H4 x Mastermind JAPAN “TX-074” Collection. c2h4 clothing collaboration complex-uk dfp-fashion dfp-fashion-clothing fashion mastermind menswear news streetwear style Continue reading
Head to the Year 2030 with the C2H4's CASE#R000 FM-2030 Collection Sam Cole Tue Mar 12 C2H4 delivered on the hype last week as they launched the first drop from their new Case #R000 FM2030 collection. apparel c2h4 clothing collection complex-uk dfp-fashion dfp-fashion-clothing fashion footwear menswear news streetwear style womens Continue reading
C2H4 Links up with Number (N)ine to Launch the 'Potential of Ego' Collection Sam Cole Fri Sep 07 C2H4 has linked up with Japanese label Number (N)ine to deliver "Potential of Ego", serving to reintroduce a Rock aesthetic into the... apparel c2h4 clothing collection complex-uk fashion menswear news style Continue reading